SINCE 2005

Sharing Joy Through Art and Entertainment

Balloon Gallery

Table Sculptures

Large Sculptures

Party/Event Decor

Birthday Numbers

Our Artists

Mr. Dominic

Mr. Dominic is an award winning 'Twister' who started twisting balloons in 1994. He received Twisticologist of the Year 2015, in addition to being on the first place team in the decorating competition. He got first place in the Headband competition at Twist & Shout 2015 and again at Twisticology Invitational 2015, second place with his team for life size car competition at Twisticology Invitational in 2014, and third place at Twist & Shout 2013 for the 12 minute sculpture competition.


Ms. Maranatha

Ms. Maranatha received first place with her team for the life size car competition at Twisticology Invitational in 2014. She started balloon twisting after she met her husband, Mr. Dominic, in 2005.

We are licensed and insured professional artists and entertainers.

We use only high quality balloons, face paint, and glitter.




(360) 241- 3442

